Grant making policies

William Kendall’s Charity

William Kendall was a Past Master of the Company who, on his death in 1558, bequeathed some property to the Company for charitable purposes predominantly in the parish of Bexley in Kent. The Charity does not make grants directly to individuals.

Bexley Small Grants Scheme

‘This is for local charities acting for the general benefit of inhabitants of the London Borough of Bexley. Funds are available for any charitable activity in the Borough. The Fund is administered by the Bexley Voluntary Services Council or call 01322 524 682 option 4 for more details.

The following funds are operated on a commissioning basis and the Trustee will not accept unsolicited applications:

Greater London Fund

This is for the relief in need of inhabitants of Greater London who are in conditions of need, distress, or hardship, with a preference for the inhabitants of the City of London.

Persons in Need Fund

The fund is for relieving persons who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress, such persons being:
a) members of the Wax Chandlers’ Company
b) widows and orphans of members of the Company
c) other persons in such conditions.

William Kendall’s Charity accounts (pdf)

The Wax Chandlers’ Charitable Trust

The funds are almost entirely committed year on year.  They are primarily for the encouragement of beekeeping, for innovation and advances in the modern wax industry, the dissemination of knowledge regarding beekeeping, the modern uses of wax for public benefit and for projects associated with promoting a healthy environment and general sustainability. WCCT also funds prizes at schools with a strong City connection, charities with a strong City connection and City churches.

The Trust also provides for the annual presentation of candles from the Company to the High Altar of St Paul’s Cathedral. This is a tradition that was introduced in 1958 and picks up, in modern form, the Company’s old devotional links with St Paul’s. In 1371 the Company passed an ordinance regarding the presentation, on Holy Cross Day, of a pound of beeswax by each member for the Company’s taper in the Cathedral. Today the presentation continues to be made on Holy Cross Day, 14 September.

Wax Chandlers’ Charitable Trust accounts (pdf)